Category: Audio


Carl Paladino on Undocumented Immigrants “You gotta go back to where you came from.”

The Republican nominee for governor in New York says “we’re not going to allow
 undocumented aliens or illegal immigrants to take part in our social welfare and our Medicaid systems in the state of New York.”


Justice Department Sues Country’s “Toughest Sheriff” Joe Arpaio

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been sued for not turning over documents to federal officials investigating his department. Fi2W’s Valeria Fernandez broke down the lawsuit on PRI’s The Takeaway.


Dirty Work: Hispanic Immigrants Clean the Gulf

A multimedia package produced by Annie Correal for El Diario/La Prensa features an in-depth look at Hispanic immigrants working to clean-up the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


Hard, Dirty, Work: Latinos Clean Up The Gulf of Mexico

The massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has drawn clean up workers from near and far. Many of these workers are Latinos, so-called “disaster migrants” who go from catastrophe to catastrophe and aid in the repair efforts. Fi2W’s Annie Correal documented their lives in a radio piece for Latino USA.


Deportations of Undocumented Immigrants Increase Under Obama

The federal government is sending conflicting signals about its deportation policies. Recently, WNYC reported on the human side of deportation in a story about a couple snagged by an Immigration and Customs Enforcement Fugitive Operations team.


A Mexican Immigrant Wears Detroit’s Golden Gloves

A gym in Southwest Detroit serving the Mexican immigrant community has cultivated a star, 18 year old Erick De Leon. But as a non-citizen, De Leon’s opportunities are limited.


Federal Judge Puts SB 1070 On Hold

Judge Susan R. Bolton temporary blocked the enactment of SB 1070 in Arizona by issuing a partial injunction on the most controversial aspects of the law until the court makes a final decision on its constitutionality.


Listening to Both Sides in Arizona’s Immigration Debate

Valeria Fernandez in Phoenix cuts through the rhetoric and finds there actually is common ground between opponents and supporters of Arizona’s new immigration law.


Feet in Two Worlds on Public Radio This Week

Two great radio pieces reflect the diversity of stories being produced by our reporters.


Obama Speaks On Immigration Reform: Will It Meet Expectations?

Listen to Fi2W’s Valeria Fernandez speak on PRI’s The Takeway about President Obama and comprehensive immigration reform.