Portrait of a Sikh Activist

*We’re sorry, but CowBird’s website is no longer active, so this story isn’t available*

On September 16, Feet in 2 Worlds held a workshop on reporting climate change for ethnic and community media journalists. That Sunday more than 300,000 people took to the streets of Manhattan demanding action against climate change. Here’s a story about a Sikh activist who participated in the march.

This Cowbird portrait was produced for NYC-based eco-news blog The Warbler by Hannah Sheehan with photos by Erik Erikson.

Fi2W is supported by the David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation, the Ralph E. Odgen Foundation, and the Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation.

AboutFeet in Two Worlds
Feet in 2 Worlds (Fi2W) is an independent media outlet, journalism training program, and launchpad for emerging immigrant journalists and media makers of color. Our work brings positive and meaningful change to America's newsrooms and has a broader impact on how immigration is reported and the ethnic and racial composition of news organizations.