Tag: U.S.-Mexico border

Dora The Undocumented Immigrant Explorer

What started as a spoof is now a biting protest against Arizona’s new immigration law.


SB 1070 Gets Legal Challenge

FI2W’s Valeria Fernandez speaks on PRI’s The Takeaway about the lawsuits challenging Arizona’s controversial new immigration law.


New Arizona Immigration Law Awakens Youth Protest Movement

Student walk-outs and acts of civil disobedience over the strictest state immigration law in the country may mark the start of a new wave of activism by immigrant youth in Arizona.

Intense Debate, Rising Fear as Arizona Immigration Enforcement Bill Heads to Final Vote

Legislation to criminalize undocumented immigrants may soon be headed to the governor’s desk in Arizona, causing alarm among immigrants and their supporters.

Despite Recession Coyotes Still Doing Well, El Diario/La Prensa Reports

By Diego Graglia, FI2W web editor
A portion of the U.S.-Mexico border - Photo: Isha.Net*/Flickr

A portion of the U.S.-Mexico border. (Photo: Isha.Net*/Flickr)

The economic recession does not seem to be affecting the human smugglers known as coyotes, according to a story published Tuesday in the New York Spanish-language newspaper El Diario/La Prensa.

The coyotes‘ business is still doing well, reporter Cristina Loboguerrero wrote after interviewing two men who take part in a chain of human trafficking that starts in Guatemala and reaches the New York metropolitan area and other U.S. regions.

“Last September, I got scared because the business went down 50 percent,” Jorge, a Salvadoran smuggler who has done this work for ten years, told the reporter. “But the truth is that it has been picking up slowly, although the price for bringing someone went up almost $1,000.”

According to the story, Jorge is one of the people in charge of transporting undocumented immigrants from cities in the southwest such as Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, to states including South and North Carolina, Maryland, New York and New Jersey.
