Most of the 250 volunteers are young Asian Americans

Grace Meng Counting on Asian Immigrant Voters in Her Bid for Congress

In the tightly contested primary race for New York’s 6th Congressional District, Grace Meng is hoping Asian Americans will go to the polls and make her the first Chinese American to represent New York in Congress.

John Liu gets a hug from a longtime supporter at a recent fundraiser

Podcast: The John Liu Fundraising Scandal – The Top Political Issue for Asian Americans in NY

NYC Comptroller John Liu is a role model for Asian Americans. A federal investigation of his campaign fundraising practices has had a chilling effect on his possible mayoral campaign in 2013.

John Liu with supporters

Pulling Back the Curtain – What Asian Americans Are Saying about the John Liu Fundraising Scandal

Asians Americans are divided over whether a federal investigation of New York City’s Comptroller will derail his potential bid to be the city’s first Asian mayor.