
Luring Ecuadorian Immigrants Back Home: FI2W’s Jelena Kopanja on PRI’s The World


The Ecuadorian government has an office in Corona, Queens. (Photo: Merry Pool)

Feet in Two Worlds reporter Jelena Kopanja produced a piece for PRI’s nationally-syndicated daily program The World about how Ecuador tries to convince its expats to return home.

It’s estimated that 11 per cent of Ecuador’s population lives outside the country. Many left to escape their country’s faltering economy. Now Ecuador wants them back, but not all migrants trust the government’s motives.

Jelena has reported previously on this blog on the initiatives, that include a Welcome Back program with economic incentives for migrants to return to the South American country.

You can listen to Jelena’s piece —which aired Dec. 30—by pressing ‘play’ below or you can visit The World‘s page clicking here.

AboutFeet in Two Worlds
Feet in 2 Worlds (Fi2W) is an independent media outlet, journalism training program, and launchpad for emerging immigrant journalists and media makers of color. Our work brings positive and meaningful change to America's newsrooms and has a broader impact on how immigration is reported and the ethnic and racial composition of news organizations.