Category: “A Better Life?”

“A Better Life?” explores how America’s failed response to COVID-19 has reshaped immigrants’ lives and their relationship to the United States. Each episode tells a different immigrant story and examines how the crisis has challenged or changed that person’s ideas of what it means to be American. The show also includes conversations with immigrant elders — grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles — to hear how they are coping during this time, and what they have learned over the years that can help the rest of us survive today’s challenges.
"A Better Life?"AudioStories

Listening to Immigrant Elders – A Year-End Special from A Better Life? Podcast

Intergenerational conversations with immigrant elders have sustained us through 2020.

A group of Desi-American activists don signs of welcome to immigrants
"A Better Life?"AudioStories

Desi Voters, COVID-19, and the 2020 Election: Episode 10 of our Podcast Series, “A Better Life?”

New Jersey shows the potential of South Asian political power in the US, as well as the pitfalls.

"A Better Life?"AudioStories

We’re Going to Be Okay: Episode 9 of our Podcast Series, “A Better Life?”

For “Call Your Elders,” Rosalind calls her Tita Margaret, a Filipina immigrant who lived through 9/11 in NYC.

"A Better Life?"AudioStories

A Hug Halfway Around the World: Episode 7 of our Podcast Series, “A Better Life?”

A COVID era conversation between an aunt in India and her beloved niece in New York.

"A Better Life?"AudioStories

A Letter to Italy: Episode 6 of our Podcast Series, “A Better Life?”

Two Italian women living in San Francisco strengthen their friendship during the pandemic.

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"A Better Life?"AudioStories

Rosa’s Story: Undocumented and Unemployed in the Pandemic: Episode 5 of our Podcast Series, “A Better Life?”

Undocumented hotel housekeepers are among some of the most vulnerable workers in the pandemic. In this episode, we hear their stories.

"A Better Life?"AudioStories

Call Your Elders: Cooking with Philip and Niki: Episode 4 of our Podcast Series, “A Better Life?”

In Philip Zias’ words, “I never thought I can cook.” Hear how the pandemic changed that.