Tag: campaign_2012

new york votes

What’s Wrong with Using DHS’ Immigration Database to Purge Voter Rolls? (A Lot)

While Republicans worry about non-citizens voting fraudulently in the Presidential election, many immigrant advocates contend the bigger problem is the large number of eligible immigrants who are not registered to vote.

Mitt Romney

A Latino Running Mate Won’t Win Romney ‘The Latino Vote’

Latino political blogger Jack Tomas thinks all the rumors that Romney will choose a Latino running mate are hogwash. In this piece he gives us a rundown of Romney’s Latino VP choices — and explains why they will all fall flat.


Federal Government Opens Citizenship Database to Florida Authorities, Making Immigrant Leaders Wary

Immigrant leaders in Florida and New York expressed concern about the sharing of private information among different levels of government.

Rallying for the DREAM Act in Los Angeles

It’s NOT Just the Economy, Stupid – Mitt Romney and Immigration Reform

El Diario/La Prensa’s Maibe Ponet says the Romney campaign strategy of focusing on the economy while ignoring immigration doesn’t make sense.

A protest in favor of the DREAM Act

Obama’s Immigration Reprieve: ‘The Right Thing To Do,’ But Not Good Enough

Columnist Erwin De Leon writes that the new immigration policy for undocumented youth falls short because it lacks a path to citizenship.

Obama Spanish Language ad

Romney vs. Obama in Spanish – Battling TV Ads Aimed at Latino Voters in Key States

Jack Tomas critiques the latest batch of Spanish-language political ads and suggests a new genre of video ads the candidates might want to consider.


For Young Latino Voters in Both Parties, Enthusiasm Lags

2.4 million Latino youth will turn 18 before November 6, gaining the right to vote for the first time. Our partner ImpreMedia sent us this story about two young activists–one Democrat, one Republican–who are trying to bring young Latino citizens to the polls.

Mitt Romney

Political Satire: Ways Mitt Romney Can Attract Latino Voters

Meet Jack Tomas, Fi2W’s new Latino blogger. He’ll be contributing posts, often with a satirical flavor, as we count down to the 2012 presidential election.

old nyc newstand

Feet in 2 Worlds’ News Picks, June 5th, 2012

A daily digest of coverage of immigrants and immigration in ethnic and mainstream media.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright

Commentary: Different Types of Vetting for Different Types of Folks

Peter McDermott, associate editor of The Irish Echo, says that the recent attacks on the Rev. Jeremiah Wright are evidence of a double standard applied to African Americans and other traditionally marginalized groups.