Tag: Arizona


Could Arpaio’s Endorsement Hurt Perry?

“America’s Toughest Sheriff” gave Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry his endorsement, but what’s it worth? Some in Arizona say it might be more beneficial for Arpaio than for Perry.

dream act activist

De Leon: Reasonable State Responses to Immigration

Columnist Erwin De Leon writes that unlike Alabama, some states are bucking the trend and providing humane solutions to our nation’s broken immigration system.


Utah Lawmakers Say ‘Don’t Call Us Arizona’

Feet in Two Worlds Reporter Aswini Anburajan is guest blogging at The American Prospect this week. We’ll be linking to her posts as they roll out.


Giffords Shooting Leaves Gap in Immigration Debate

Giffords advocated sealing the U.S.-Mexico border at the same time she supported immigration reform, and opposed Arizona’s SB 1070.

Maricopa County Sherrif Joe Arpaio - Photo: Cobalt123/flickr

Justice Department Sues Country’s “Toughest Sheriff” Joe Arpaio

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been sued for not turning over documents to federal officials investigating his department. Fi2W’s Valeria Fernandez broke down the lawsuit on PRI’s The Takeaway.

SB 1070 is a defining issue this election season - Photo: Fibonacci Blue/flickr

SB 1070 Major Issue in Republican Primary Wins

Republican candidates who favor greater restrictions on immigration won races in Arizona and Florida.

Opponents of SB 1070 Celebrated After A Federal Judge's Injunction

Opponents of SB 1070 Say Fight Is Not Over

Immigrants in Arizona are relieved SB 1070 was blocked by an injunction, but they say their position continues to be perilous, and the fight is far from over.

Border Fence – Photo: waynewhuang/flickr

Federal Judge Puts SB 1070 On Hold

Judge Susan R. Bolton temporary blocked the enactment of SB 1070 in Arizona by issuing a partial injunction on the most controversial aspects of the law until the court makes a final decision on its constitutionality.

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton on Ecuadorian TV

Clinton Leaks Feds Will Sue Arizona

The U.S. Secretary of State told a reporter on Ecuadorian TV that the Justice Department is planning to file a suit against Arizona’s SB 1070.


SB 1070 Supporters Present An Arizona Sing-A-Long

Yet another children’s character has been roped into the immigration debate. This time it’s a thinly disguised Kermit the frog, sponsored by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Sarah Palin.