
‘What I Carried’ Featured on WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show

Fi2W founder and Executive Producer John Rudolph joined Brian Lehrer in the studio on Monday to talk about “What I Carried,” our new multimedia series using using sound, photography and text to tell stories about immigrants through objects that represent migration.  People with immigrant backgrounds across New York called in to share their stories about the objects they or their parents brought with them from their home countries.

Check out John’s “What I Carried” story about a photograph of his grandfather who immigrated to New York from Russia in 1893:

*We’re sorry, but CowBird’s website is no longer active, so this story isn’t available*

Fi2W is supported by the David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation and the Ralph E. Odgen Foundation.

AboutFeet in Two Worlds
Feet in 2 Worlds (Fi2W) is an independent media outlet, journalism training program, and launchpad for emerging immigrant journalists and media makers of color. Our work brings positive and meaningful change to America's newsrooms and has a broader impact on how immigration is reported and the ethnic and racial composition of news organizations.